

overdentures - what to expect

treatment planning

Your dental professional will take x-rays and create a model of your existing teeth to determine implant position. Occasionally, a bone or gum tissue graft will be needed to create an adequate site for the dental implants.

implant placement

Dental implants are placed into the bone in a relatively pain-free procedure. The bone and gums will be given time to heal before a denture is secured. Your current denture may be modified to fit over your new dental implants allowing the denture to function and the dental implants to heal.

overdenture attachment

Your final denture will be secured in one of two ways depending on your treatment. Your doctor will provide you a new overdenture that will "snap" onto your dental implants. If you have chosen a more advanced method, your new overdenture will be secured in place using screws that fit into the dental implants.
